To the ambitious bookkeeper itching to take on new clients, be their own boss, and make fantastic money from the comfort of home…

Build your money-making confidence in the Fast & Easy QBO Gym. The hands-on training academy for bookkeepers who love to learn by doing. Not watching.

So, you’ve got your QBO Accountant account. Maybe you’ve even got your certification.

Now you’re eager to take on clients so you can multiply your income and make bookkeeping your full-time gig.

After that, maybe the plan is to bring on your loved ones so they can get a taste of time freedom too.

There’s just one itsy bitsy problem…

When you sit down to market yourself to clients, your hands go clammy. Your cheeks flush red.

“Do I really know what I’m doing?”

When the self-doubt creeps in, you have two options:


Do nothing. Keep fumbling. And risk missing out on business-defining opportunities because the thought of messing up someone’s book legitimately terrifies you.

Let your shiny new certification collect virtual dust because you get queasy talking to potential clients.

All while battling the sinking feeling that your bookkeeping business *could* have been something great.

This could have been your ticket to being debt-free or getting a deposit together for a house in your favorite neighborhood.

If only you’d swung while the iron was hot and got the experience you need to get clients to trust you with their books.


Get on-the-job experience without the nail-biting pressure of managing - and potentially messing up - someone’s books.


It couldn’t be more simple:

Spend just 45 minutes a week (or more if you’re ambitious) working with a life-like virtual business owner and sample company.

All this amounts to an entire year of experience working with a client -- in just 42 real-time hours.

Get walked through how to complete a wide range of tasks, step-by-step. Snatch up time-saving tips to speed up your process. And most importantly… practice what you’ll do for actual clients.

So when clients ask about your experience, you’ll be able to win their trust with “been there, done that” confidence (hellooooo higher rates).

Because you won’t just know what you’re doing. You’ll have done it umpteen times already.

Hundreds of ambitious bookkeepers are kicking imposter syndrome to the curb with Option #2.

It’s costing them LESS than the average gym membership. And they’re using the experience they’ve gained to move up a tax bracket because SO MANY business owners are in desperate need of their skills.

These bookkeepers are raising the standard for what it means to impress the pants off clients and be their own boss.

Better still, all it takes is ONE client on a monthly retainer to 10X the investment you’ll make to get an entire YEAR of the invaluable, hands-on experience we’re offering you today.

Don’t you think it’s time you joined them?



The hands-on training academy for experience-hungry bookkeepers who love to learn by doing. Not watching.

Get real-world experience

A certification is one thing but actually doing the work for a client is another thing altogether. Now you can work through the same scenarios you’ll encounter on the job before you work with the client. Imagine what that’ll do for your confidence!

Take on higher-paying clients

No more turning away leads because imposter syndrome got the better of you. Get the confidence you need to take on more challenging (and enjoyable!) clients. And sleep easy knowing you have steps to refer to if you run into bumps along the way.

Retain 70% MORE of what you learn

Did you know we retain 75% of what we practice vs 5% of what we hear? It’s no wonder Intuit’s training makes your head spin. 😂 At last, you’ll understand how to implement. And that’s where the money-making confidence comes in. Because people hire you for the work you know how to DO, not what you know in theory.

Complete jobs in half the time

Nothing beats being able to practice the actual steps as you learn how to do them. By completing the exact steps the most experienced bookkeepers follow on the job, you’ll significantly speed up your process. This will free up your time to take on more paying clients. Or catch up on quality time with your family.

When you join, you’ll get:


Annual pass

Perfect if you love a big discount.

  • Instant access to 48 exercise sets (Year 1) 

  • Marketing prompts with every workout
  • Your BooksMatch profile to get matched with paying clients 

  • *NEW* workout every month (ft. AI Craig!)
  • Premium access to the Locker Room Facebook group
  • A huge $200 discount



Monthly pass

Perfect if you prefer to pay as you go.

  • Instant access to 48 exercise sets (Year 1) 

  • Marketing prompts with every workout

  • Your BooksMatch profile to get matched with paying clients

  • *NEW* workout every month (ft. AI Craig!)

  • Premium access to the Locker Room Facebook group

  • Cancel anytime


“I feel so much more prepared for that first client call”

“Being able to work through situations that are “life-like” and get my hands dirty has been such a confidence booster. I feel so much more prepared for that first client call. I’ve even been able to go back on the exercises and read through the scenarios to see if I can remember the steps without looking.”


“This is exactly what new bookkeepers need”

“Wow…this is exactly what new bookkeepers need…there is always a pretty significant difference between knowledge you need for an exam and what you need to know to “do the job” and your QBO Gym subscription is fantastic for those practical exercises.

As I have started this journey to become a bookkeeper, I have realized something, and that the only thing scarier than putting in all this effort (and money) and not getting any clients is getting clients. The fear of getting a client and not really knowing how to do the work is terrifying and your QBO Gym with each exercise dispels that fear just a little bit more.”


Venita Profile
“Nothing beats practicing the steps as you learn how to do them”

“Your hands-on practice gym is the BEST! Nothing beats being able to practice the different steps as you learn how to do them. Just listening alone on how to do something is less effective than actually practicing step by step what you are trying to learn.”


Pssst… have you met Craig?

Craig is the simulated owner of a landscaping business. And guess what? He needs YOU to help him with his books.

Each exercise you’ll complete for Craig mirrors the tasks you’ll do on the job.

This means you’ll have experience with a wide range of bookkeeping skills when you start (or continue) working with real-life clients.

Each “workout” is made up of 4 sets of practice exercises designed to sharpen your skills and get you comfortable working in QBO

You’ll warm up by watching a short animated video outlining the tasks Craig needs help with.

Next, you’ll complete a 3-question quiz to get clarity on what needs to be done.

Finally, you’ll get walked through a series of hands-on exercises so you can practice doing each step along the way.

Now you’ve got the lay of the land, you’ll put into practice all the things Craig has asked you to do.

You might:

  • Send invoices or reminders

  • Record payments and bank deposits

  • Record and pay bills

  • Make a loan payment

Think of it as a day in the life  of a practicing bookkeeper.

Dig deep into specific QBO features you’ll need to use for Craig.

Sharpen your problem-solving skills by facing real-world challenges.


Craig has decided to sell products at farmers’ markets. How will you keep track of everything or deal with the fact that some kid stole some keychains?

Get confident handling tricky situations like this one — because you’ll handle them a dozen times over here in the Gym

Finally, it’s the end of the month, so you’ll need to reconcile Craig’s bank accounts — including fixing mistakes and preparing reports. 

Never reconciled an account? No problem. You’ll do it for multiple accounts every month in the gym.

Come back to the step-by-step workflows any time you need a refresher. So you can do an amazing job for your future, delighted clients.


Turn your skills into clients with proven marketing prompts

Now you’ve got some experience under your belt, it’s time to share it with the world. Use our post-workout marketing prompts to position yourself as a true QBO ProAdvisor so you can attract dream clients on your favorite social media platform.

No more awkward tail-between-your-legs convos with clients when they ask about your experience. You’ll know how to translate your experience inside the Gym into posts that make you irresistible to new clients.

Venita Profile
“Nothing beats practicing the steps as you learn how to do them”

“Your hands-on practice gym is the BEST! Nothing beats being able to practice the different steps as you learn how to do them. Just listening alone on how to do something is less effective than actually practicing step by step what you are trying to learn.”


PLUS! get *NEW* training every month in 2024

(Guarantee access to Year 2 free with a yearly pass!)

Scrolling through the Gym

When you’ve completed the Year 1 training program, you’ll unlock access to Year 2.

Every month, we’re dropping *brand new* workouts — with a twist…

Instead of getting spoonfed the steps, you’ll put your new experience to the test by completing the exercises without prompts. (#levelup!)

But that’s not all…

Our life-like AI version of Craig won’t share all the information you need this time. So you’ll have to ask him for what you need — just like you would with a real client!

When Sherry talks to Craig, it feels like she is talking to a real client

“I LOVE this feature. I wish all clients responded as fast as Craig does! It’s an awesome addition! I use a MacBook and my iMessages pop up on my screen – it was like I was texting a really client and he was sending what I needed once I got the question right! So cool!”


Brandy loves that she can go back to previous training if she gets stuck

“I love the way the new workouts are set up! I am easily able to get through the exercises that I already know how to do and I like that there is a link to the previous year exercise with instructions for the things I’m not sure on.”


Marceline enjoys the more challenging and interactive elements in Year 2

“I loved this! I like that it’s more interactive instead of just passively clicking on stuff because I’m told to. I’d forgotten about the difference between using the Category and Item grids, and the quiz helped me catch that. Overall, this is more challenging. Good job!”


*NEW* Land REAL clients right here in QBO Gym:

Get paid assignments in our growing BooksMatch database!


Scrolling through BooksMatch

We’re pouring $$ thousands of dollars into BooksMatch so we can fill it with real-life business owners looking to hire talent like you.

Every time you complete a workout, BooksMatch will verify your skills and record your increased knowledge, consistency, and speed. Potential clients will be able to see your activity in your BooksMatch profile and reach out to you if they think you’re a good fit.

Complete training
Watch your ratings climb
Get matched with paying clients!

Clients like Rachel LOVE using BooksMatch to find talented bookkeepers (like you!) to work with

“I am just in awe. I can see the person’s name, type of work they want, location, training frequency, speed, ranking. And I freaking love it! My heart skips a beat as I can see the ranking for different categories or situations.”

Rachel Barnett
Gentle Frog Bookkeeping


Fast & Easy QBO Gym

The hands-on training academy for experience-hungry bookkeepers who love to learn by doing. Not watching.


Annual pass

Perfect if you love a big discount.

  • Instant access to 48 exercise sets (Year 1) 

  • Marketing prompts with every workout
  • Your BooksMatch profile to get matched with paying clients 

  • *NEW* workout every month (ft. AI Craig!)
  • Premium access to the Locker Room Facebook group
  • A huge $200 discount



Monthly pass

Perfect if you prefer to pay as you go.

  • Instant access to 48 exercise sets (Year 1) 

  • Marketing prompts with every workout

  • Your BooksMatch profile to get matched with paying clients

  • *NEW* workout every month (ft. AI Craig!)

  • Premium access to the Locker Room Facebook group

  • Cancel anytime


“These exercises clarify what it’s actually like to work as a bookkeeper”

“Wow!!!! I am absolutely loving these exercises in the QBO Gym!!!! Thank you so much for creating this opportunity for new bookkeepers! These exercises are so incredibly helpful and clarify what it’s actually like to work as a bookkeeper.”

Gentle Frog Bookkeeping

Meet your personal trainer: Margie-Davis Remmers

Hi, I’m Margie. And I’ve helped thousands of people pass their ProAdvisor certification exam and achieve time and money freedom along the way.

I created QBO Gym because it broke my heart to see so many talented bookkeepers miss out on opportunities because they didn’t have experience.

Now, you can get on-the-job experience without getting a job. Which means you can be more impressive to potential clients… and get paid great money to put your number-crunching superpowers to the test. 💪

Did we mention the entire program is gamified?

Stay motivated by collecting points and badges when you complete exercises.

Watch your skills stack up as you become more and more attractive to potential clients.

And don’t forget… some of those clients are actively looking to hire talent like you in the QBO Gym talent database, BooksMatch.

The more points you get, the higher you rank. And the higher you rank, the more clients will want to work

The Gym is RIGHT for you if you…...

The Gym may NOT be for you if you..

“It’s so much like really doing the work for a client”
“Wow!!!! I am absolutely loving these exercises in the QBO Gym!!!! Thank you so much for creating this opportunity for new bookkeepers! These exercises are so incredibly helpful and clarify what it’s actually like to work as a bookkeeper.” Lindsey Bookkeeper


Yep, this will help you land actual clients. Here are more answers:


Fast & Easy QBO Gym

The hands-on training academy for experience-hungry bookkeepers who love to learn by doing. Not watching.


Annual pass

Perfect if you love a big discount.

  • Instant access to 48 exercise sets (Year 1) 

  • Marketing prompts with every workout
  • Your BooksMatch profile to get matched with paying clients 

  • *NEW* workout every month (ft. AI Craig!)
  • Premium access to the Locker Room Facebook group
  • A huge $200 discount



Monthly pass

Perfect if you prefer to pay as you go.

  • Instant access to 48 exercise sets (Year 1) 

  • Marketing prompts with every workout

  • Your BooksMatch profile to get matched with paying clients

  • *NEW* workout every month (ft. AI Craig!)

  • Premium access to the Locker Room Facebook group

  • Cancel anytime


“I can’t wait to see what else is in store for the gym.”
“Its a whole new ball game! I had considered going through all of year one again just for practice. I can’t wait to see what else is in store for the gym.” Ann Bookkeeper